Last blog of 2020 (and before the campaign launch)
Things are really getting exciting now! In two weeks the crowdfunding starts (5th of January 2020!!). I’ve been really busy preparing for the launch.
The video will be done this week and I will post some more teasers before the start of the campaign (I’ve already posted some teasers, maybe you’ve seen them on my Instagram or on Facebook). I’m really happy about the result. Keep an eye on my socials to see more soon!
This is something that I never really thought of, but it seems that Gmail is now putting my newsletter emails in the promotions tab. This is a bummer, because only very few people actually read these mails.
This means that I will advertise more. So don’t be surprised when you see some ads on your social media and give them your like or love.
Just like it impacts everything else, Corona has an effect on my campaign too. I was hoping to do a lot of promotion in music shops, clubs etc. but they all have closed now. I’m now just putting stickers on random places, hoping a likeminded person sees them (speaking of which: I still have loads of stickers. If you want to have a few to cover your city in them too, send me a message and I’ll gladly send you some).
A plus side of the new lockdown is that I can spend more time preparing for the launch 🙂
Happy holidays!
I won’t be posting much during Christmas but after new years, you will hear more from me again.
I wish everyone a very merry Christmas and a great 2021. Hope next year will be better for everyone and that we will soon be able to use the KNTRL9 at a party, live show or rave 😀