The price is known

Some great news from the Midique headquarters in Berlin: The price is known!

I’ve spent the last year improving the KNTRL9 to become the new KNTRL9 MK2. I took a side job so that I could finance everything myself without the need for a crowdfunding campaign or a loan. The new model has more knobs and has MIDI DIN OUT for all you hardware enthusiasts.

The price will be € 264,35 (excl. VAT) or 299.99 USD (excl. VAT).

Note that both prices are excluding VAT. This might be added depending on your location so please keep that in mind when buying. I’m currently preparing to sell in the EU, UK, USA and Australia. If your location is not there, please send me a message and I will look into the requirements for that and add it to the list.

About the planning: I will setup a shop for the pre-orders this month. Also, I’m currently waiting for the new panels to arrive. As soon as they’re in, I will start producing some new prototypes that need thorough testing before I can start sending out the actual controllers. So please have some patience 😊. Hope to start sending out in Spring 2022.

I wish everyone a very creative and musical 2022!!


Koen Schepens