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Some great news from the Midique headquarters in Berlin: The price is known! I’ve spent the last year improving the KNTRL9 to become the new KNTRL9 MK2. I took a side job so that I could finance everything myself without the need for a crowdfunding campaign or a loan. The new model has more knobs and has MIDI DIN OUT for all you hardware enthusiasts. The price will be € 264,35 (excl. VAT) or 299.99 USD (excl. VAT). Note that both prices are excluding VAT. This might be added depending on your location so please keep that in mind when...


Good news everyone: I have ordered new samples for the panels! This company is specialized in making high quality front panels and has an impressive track record. The coming days their engineer will work with me to get all the details for them to get started. If all goes well, I will have the panels in January and I can start producing. This of course also means that I now have all information needed to calculate the final sales price! I know many of you have been asking so I will do this right after Christmas. It’s all looking good...


One of my biggest fears has become reality: The panels I had produced are not of the quality I expected. These were produced by a factory in China, and I waited months for them to arrive. What’s the story After the crowdfunding, I sent out a survey to inform myself on what the reason might have been that people did or did not want to buy my controller. One of the take-aways from this survey was that people thought the controller was too expensive (the retail price was €450) and that people wouldn’t mind if some parts were not locally...


I am getting closer and closer to the end result! This week, the panels finally came in (they were in transit for over 1 month). Panels The panels are don’t have the print yet. I will do this myself using laser marking. Woodwork For the woodwork I’ve created a bed for the wood to fit in so that it will stick in place during the CNC work. The “bed” that will hold the woodwork in place during machining. The bed has two holes that will be above the vacuum holes of the CNC machine. That way, the wood will stay...


Now that the controller is finally coming together, I have made the switch to working full time for Midique. After the crowdfunding campaign, I had to take on a side job as a software developer to cover my costs of living and to be able to continue developing the controller. Working full time works better in two ways: 1. I have more time to finish the controller and 2. I can fully focus on this one project without being distracted by another one. Status of the controller I’ve been getting quite some messages from people who want to know where...
